Home ice cream Old-Fashioned Ice Cream: Raw Egg Recipe

Old-Fashioned Ice Cream: Raw Egg Recipe

Old-Fashioned Ice Cream: Raw Egg Recipe

There’s something special about old-fashioned ice cream that just can’t be replicated by store-bought versions. The rich and creamy texture, combined with the simple, wholesome ingredients, make it a timeless treat that never goes out of style. One of the most beloved old-fashioned ice cream recipes is the raw egg recipe, which has been enjoyed for generations.

The raw egg recipe, also known as Philadelphia-style ice cream, is distinguished by its use of raw eggs as a key ingredient in the custard base. While some may be hesitant to consume raw eggs due to the risk of foodborne illness, when used in this recipe, the eggs are combined with hot milk and cream, effectively pasteurizing them and making them safe to eat.

To make old-fashioned ice cream using the raw egg recipe, start by heating milk and cream in a saucepan until it begins to steam. In a separate bowl, whisk together sugar and raw eggs until they become light and fluffy. Slowly pour the hot milk and cream mixture into the egg mixture, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from curdling. Once combined, return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and allow to cool before churning in an ice cream maker.

The use of raw eggs in old-fashioned ice cream not only lends a rich and velvety texture to the final product, but also imparts a delicious flavor that simply can’t be replicated with any other ingredient. The custard base created with the raw eggs and dairy is the perfect canvas for a wide variety of flavorings, from classic vanilla to more adventurous options like chocolate chip or fruit swirls.

In addition to its superior taste and texture, old-fashioned ice cream made with raw eggs is also a nod to a simpler, more traditional way of making this beloved sweet treat. It harkens back to a time when ice cream was a special, homemade indulgence, and the use of high-quality, natural ingredients was the norm.

Although there are many modern variations of ice cream that don’t require raw eggs, the old-fashioned raw egg recipe remains a favorite for those looking to recreate the classic taste and experience of homemade ice cream. Whether enjoyed on its own, in a cone, or as part of a decadent sundae, old-fashioned ice cream made with raw eggs is a beloved treat that is sure to never go out of style.


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